Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Download FAQ

How to download...

Just click the link...the links are set to download the files from my Dropbox.  I can say old versions of Internet Explorer may not work, but Firefox does.  You might have to play with the browser settings, but this will download files to your My Downloads folder on your computer.  Pad users with Dropbox will get the files delivered to their viewer.

I use the free viewer iZip to view archives on my iPads.


1 comment:

  1. For those who have a Dropbox Account..normally files will download into the Downloads section in Documents on Windows machines. I just tested this on XP and Win 7 VMs last night. But Dropbox users may find the downloads open in their Dropbox accounts. This isn't necessarily bad, as long as you have a PDF reader that can open them. On pads I use Goodreader.
